endstream 11 0 obj /Parent 4 0 R We all worked 12 hours and refused, the supervisor calls our manager and says who ever refused can stay home tomorrow. 1 0 0 1 427 584 Tm 55 Tz ...and don't answer your phone the next day. 12 Hours In A Work Day and 60 Hours In a Service Week Restrictions. /asciitilde 56 /asciitilde 57 /asciitilde 58 /asciitilde 59 /.null 60 /.null (UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE\)) Tj I have AL tomorrow so I wouldn't be coming in anyway. If you file a timely grievance you will be compensated an additional 50% of your base pay for any hours worked over the limit. 600 600 600 0 0 0 0 0 0 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 133 Tz 120 Tz /asciitilde 78 /asciitilde 79 /asciitilde 80 /asciitilde 81 /.null 82 132 Tz (:) Tj (.) Moreover, the Union argues that neither of the exceptions set forth in the administrative regulations is relevant in this case with regard to transi- tional employes. (N) Tj (94027390) Tj (5.��,����S��2��Wޱ�!�!��DDDDDE�g_��x��������#�v]b"@�qʲ�"��q�9NUE5�q��E�8d��e�tZV�"'sF�_6�2�#�>G�l#�x���!DDDDDﳈ�. because that would be a god send for a lot of CCA. Find information on our most convenient and affordable shipping and mailing services. /OPSUFont0 10 Tf /asciitilde 11 /.null 12 /.null 13 /.null 14 /.null 15 /.null 16 /.null 17 1 0 0 1 126 271 Tm (.) /asciitilde 68 /asciitilde 69 /asciitilde 70 /asciitilde 71 /asciitilde 72 200% pay plus the V time. 116 Tz /asciitilde 51 /asciitilde 52 /asciitilde 53 /asciitilde 54 /asciitilde 55 By using this restriction to refuse to follow instructions you are essentially trying to circumvent the grievance process, undermining its effectiveness, and opening the door for corrective action against yourself. 1 0 0 1 475 358 Tm >> So me along with 4 or 5 other CCAs were told to all take half an hour at the end of the night after coming back. /OPSUFont0 9 Tf (: Ms) Tj /Widths [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 /asciitilde 115 /asciitilde 116 /asciitilde 117 /asciitilde 118 /asciitilde 133 Tz (.C) Tj /Ascent 1007 <00> 1 0 0 1 530 560 Tm 149 Tz (: 5088) Tj stream endcmap /Thumb 6 0 R Welcome to USPS.com. 149 Tz /FontBBox [ -568 -307 2028 1007 ] 1 0 0 1 119 529 Tm endobj <61> <69> <0061> 1 0 0 1 426 404 Tm �݆K��Y��wB�ō�V_A_����#hP�.H�EMSD���h�ߴѸ���y�dsu�DIuDHg[Ͻ���$�O�>չs���d���~�T��oW�G�Y����^Sg� ]�c�疡�r�����f�&&����:|��TX����z� �kfG�Mn��|�k-h������v..䛢�A�A9#a��t7���۷�T�$l������+���6�>1Xv 25 /.null 26 /.null 27 /.null 28 /.null 29 /.null 30 /.null 31 /.null 32 <20> <20> <0020> /Type /Font Any hours worked over 12 (which includes a 1/2 hour lunch) are grieveable. The parties agree that with the exception of December, full-time employees are prohibited from working more than 12 hours in a single workday or 60 hours within a service week. A few regulars told us to all call the union in the morning and explain what happened. <41> <50> <0041> 1 0 0 1 192 553 Tm /OPSUFont0 10 Tf Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. /CMapName /CourierOPSUFont0 def (APPEARANCES) Tj 55 Tz The 12 hour rule should not be violated by management but it also should not be used as an excuse for not following management instructions. Tj /asciitilde 33 /.null 34 /.null 35 /.null 36 /.null 37 /.null 38 /.null 39 125 /asciitilde ] /Type /Encoding >> /Subtype /Image /CMapType 2 def /ProcSet 10 0 R (NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF \) NALC System No) Tj end /Width 1696 600 600 600 600 600 0 600 600 600 600 600 0 0 600 600 600 600 600 600 0 600 (.) << New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. /asciitilde 46 /asciitilde 47 /.null 48 /asciitilde 49 /asciitilde 50 1 0 0 1 374 314 Tm It is a rule that management must adhere to but every time it is broken a grievance must be filed with the union to document its violation. 262 Tz 1 0 0 1 439 392 Tm end /asciitilde 110 /asciitilde 111 /asciitilde 112 /.null 113 /.null 114 13 beginbfrange So that's when the threat of being fired came up. None of us went back out. (\)) Tj (:) Tj <0A> <0A> <000A> >> �/��LB���/ ��V����*k�Aj���P������IF��ARI~��J��Z��U���{����/����_��"e�� 55 Tz 173 Tz stream You cannot prove harassment by management if you've never documented past violations. /Height 2061 (:) Tj 132 Tz 1 0 0 1 264 212 Tm 1 0 0 1 380 359 Tm This is to protect yourself and to deter it from happening to others in your station. 1 0 obj <30> <3A> <0030> BT (Mr) Tj thanks bro" and then just leave as fast as I can before they tell me something else. 1 0 0 1 178 598 Tm /Flags 32 For information on specific country restrictions, please see the Postal Explorer or the Individual Country Listings of the International Mail Manual. (: B90N-4B-C) Tj 99 Tz /asciitilde 88 /.null 89 /asciitilde 90 /.null 91 /.null 92 /.null 93 /.null Management is obviously making threats they can't back up, if they're stretching CCA 12+ hours, I doubt they can afford to have 5 off in 1 day. 1 0 0 1 522 538 Tm ... For postal police officers, see the USPS–PPO Agreement. 1 0 0 1 126 316 Tm 1 0 0 1 428 595 Tm 1 0 0 1 305 539 Tm 1 0 0 1 127 407 Tm >> def 129 Tz 114 Tz 1 0 0 1 450 527 Tm (For the Postal Service) Tj ��%]-B ����p��$�%��M$ A$�aU$��AIU�����.��E�*�qT�ݥ�Ҥ("N���2��JA|:Qƻ�$,�� �������A��I~*W���H*Z��U��A�} �WP�< �RJ��I $�� *^���QJ�RAU ��꿌*H��CJ���MF]-v�� T��x�Z�Ia�^�(aR_��0� /Type /XObject (LETTER CARRIERS \)) Tj 1 0 0 1 360 359 Tm /ItalicAngle 0 12 hour rule is supposed to be the exception, but your local supervisors/managers/PM may make your life a living hell over it. 8 0 obj /Type /Page Did you respond? 1 0 0 1 521 560 Tm 1 0 0 1 128 452 Tm 1 0 0 1 340 562 Tm << 120 Tz 132 Tz endobj endbfrange 120 Tz 55 Tz /CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin <79> <79> <0079> 129 Tz (: Carlton J) Tj Tj (Secular) Tj It is a rule that management must adhere to but every time it is broken a grievance must be filed with the union to document its violation. 1 0 0 1 306 597 Tm 133 Tz /Length 553 << All employees on this sub are here of their own volition to talk to and interact with other employees and customers. The 12 hour rule should not be violated by management but it also should not be used as an excuse for not following management instructions. /FontDescriptor 12 0 R <52> <57> <0052> (Ms) Tj ���T=�xa�� pȧ\1��`�'��������ɪ�U�U����G��fq��G�8�� E�z̿(�(�~i�#9 12 0 obj Tj endobj 134 Tz Tj 1 0 0 1 359 314 Tm /asciitilde 105 /asciitilde 106 /.null 107 /asciitilde 108 /asciitilde 109 1 0 0 1 148 518 Tm Press J to jump to the feed. This subreddit is not affiliated with or endorsed by the United States Postal Service. twelve (12) hours of work in a day and no more than sixty (60) hours of work in a service week. 600 600 600 0 600 600 600 600 600 600 0 600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 600 600 600 600 In addition, the total hours of daily service, including scheduled workhours, overtime, and mealtime, may not be extended over a period longer than 12 consecutive hours. >> It is paid at one and one-half times the employee’s hourly rate for work performed in excess of eight paid hours a day or 40 paid hours a week. (. /CropBox [ 0 0 610 741 ] /ImageMask false /Length 2425 37 Tz /OPSUFont0 9 Tf [ 7 0 R 8 0 R ] 10 0 obj We said we did not feel safe going back out after 12 hours especially in the pouring rain. /CapHeight 1007 If not, enjoy your day off. /XObject << /background_page#201 11 0 R >> (Between) Tj /DecodeParms << /Columns 1696 /K -1 >> /BaseFont /Courier )6Ψ_2l�PTK��0mh� ��Gm�#5��lj��|�ۉ�D�Eo%2�D���-5�]���H}h.�ޮ3�^�F��(���Z���$"��9�ob�(�V%���ԎiϏ.2�zN��hi�q��A�x������50��KB���%��8a=cİ>���Bo2��/:�=Se�ȸ0`X�s6��'=�S�[�T/�d�x�X��-��c��ҫ��5�V�{~h���X%-"duP��c����[V�޽�z���(Y��cU����S��i6�n27���-y�3�y��O���> ��Cj�쒑 �M�Tk���H�ЌE�e����w�nG�f���;�%�acU��k�����^܂�����ŝR���3|�P*#��c{Qe�ٻ�;�̋�nA���ɣ�$J��M�l3��0z�5n��^�md9~V���q�@Ztdz�'�PX#Z([g&�J�9����h��Ñ�D~���I�?��F�t�X��5e���R���t�ݸ�HCKs�1����f�b�M�,^�QS��'���3|z����� �+��m?��yJ#^�#0��: ��T6A)"u��QB�r�\r�VW\�7����L �����m�6M335R^�P The exception in Article 8.5.G applies only to full-time em-ployees on the overtime desired list. Marta E) Tj endstream endobj 48 0 obj <>stream << endcodespacerange (. (Limit Rule) Tj /MediaBox [ 0 0 610 741 ] :� ྦྷ�O�3ސ��0F!7Qi���S��0L��d�)Oa���lÍq��Φ�Ŏ% \w��U*V�� 138 Tz If you have a confirmed leave slip they can stick it where the sun doesn't shine. If it continues to be violated then the union has leverage to continue increasing compensation for employees forced to work over 12 hours. 1 0 0 1 439 381 Tm /Filter /LZWDecode %���� ����x;�jvT��QT��̖o�Q(�ɱ#���BWR���v����M��mKr�~:��a�-�:��D����P�$(���0�@��#p�Ab��l*�V���n�DPT��HA}9��0�o���$���_��WAPK .���UJ4����"H�A��!� ��A�Iip��֒_A* �I*�,�^��Z*�IQ��R-�� /OPSUFont0 9 Tf endobj At this point, I would take it as a reward instead of a punishment. 132 Tz (Omelchenko Taran) Tj 61 /.null 62 /.null 63 /.null 64 /.null 65 /asciitilde 66 /asciitilde 67 stream 132 Tz 0 g [ ] 1 0 0 1 333 449 Tm 3 Tr 55 Tz 55 Tz Use our quick tools to find locations, calculate prices, look … endobj endstream y���>N�ie3�B7��;�X�;I��]�qq�G�B�˖���Ov��_�A��x}zB~7���@l�:��`��K��t���j���tr�M�O�L���t���oY?�����-��=�mm� ٪ƿrS �+Ǥ�gvJW?/!�`O�^���3�9hO�c.���(F���D׊u]��AG�������v�y�?��ub�}d�L{�t�j���ץ��暔��rs�0X��}�TA��=z��ɗYL�G��w�D��F�>,����iq䲰��Vl;����߿��2� 434.12 Definitions. 0 0 0 600 ] (NATIONAL ARBITRATION PANEL) Tj /Ordering (UCS) ET (:) Tj /FirstChar 0 0 g >> (12-Hour Work) Tj Being forced out after 12 hours is a payday in my office due to escalating penalties for continued violations by mgmt. (.) <29> <29> <0029> << [ /PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI ] 1 0 0 1 455 381 Tm All you're doing is placing your own interests before that of others and of the duty to deliver the mail. 55 Tz 55 Tz endobj endobj 1 0 0 1 468 403 Tm 2 0 obj (.) <59> <59> <0059> 55 Tz (: June 26, 1996) Tj �Γ�`��7Q{:Lֺ6;�8��:���] Tj 148 Tz Overtime pay is a premium that the U.S. Excluding December, the above provision limits those employees to no more than 12 hours of work in a day and no more than 60 hours of work in a service week. begincmap 1 0 0 1 521 380 Tm sAM!g�����F�Nô�ӃBG26�M��������� �d� �A �A���C��rL�骽4�A �o�0�9�����\4�A�#�!�+;�O��S�F���5�dž[�ߧw D��d�C��N��]��Yݫ�Ӵ�A�8o�u��߭'���}-���� �k���]������w�m���7�ө d|�u_�[O�a�����[�"�:}�W�Zy㯼������|it�Å;�� *l]���/��k�4��Ʒ�����Q��p�Z�������ީ����?��{���_�-����������z ~Ϗ� �j|d�Xj�I���W�0�!���rbBp�7Ti��U���ꯏ��朴o;���n�L�p�CҴv�����P���8����mzk��Q�aS�U��z�+��DDJ��̄�pi����m*���w�����F����� a�! %PDF-1.3 �(� & �ǿ�r%� (:) Tj 1 0 0 1 396 359 Tm (.Y) Tj 1 0 0 1 236 271 Tm 1 0 0 1 340 597 Tm You cannot file a grievance the next day for being instructed to go back out. 131 Tz (For the Union) Tj 132 Tz Tj 139 Tz 131 Tz 1 0 0 1 455 403 Tm /asciitilde 83 /asciitilde 84 /asciitilde 85 /asciitilde 86 /asciitilde 87 (GRIEVANCE) Tj /Encoding << /BaseEncoding /WinAnsiEncoding /Differences [ 0 /.null 1 /.null 132 Tz /StemV 105 133 Tz /Supplement 0 <6B> <6F> <006B> /Annots 2 0 R 119 Tz 5 0 obj CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop (} LISPS CASE NO) Tj 13 0 obj 1 0 0 1 265 404 Tm Customers can take to their local Post Office packages containing lithium batteries installed in electronic devices that are bound for many international destinations, and Army (APO), Fleet (FPO) and Diplomatic Post Office (DPO) locations. /Name /background_page#201 /Filter /CCITTFaxDecode There was no rule broken if it was never followed. (PLACE OF HEARING) Tj <2C> <2E> <002C> /CIDSystemInfo The hours actually worked include compensable travel and training time, standby time, or other time on duty. 123 Tz /BitsPerComponent 1 ... overtime was 8 and 10 percent of work hours, respectively. 1 begincodespacerange /Resources 5 0 R 119 /asciitilde 120 /.null 121 /asciitilde 122 /.null 123 /.null 124 /.null Snow, Professor of Law) Tj %PDF-1.6 %���� >> <7D> <7D> <007D> I would just be like "oh? << The Union argues that the "12-hour maximum hours" rule as set forth in ELM Section 432.32 covers all employes, including transitional employes.

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