Which price might you pay? width: 690, Some pieces in this were truly stellar-- I especially liked 'Liar's Club' and 'Coax', although 'Love at Twenty' was also very good. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published So...good for him. What would you be willing to change? They were all well done, and all rather thought provoking. He writes on subjects that are difficult, and sometimes unnecessary. I liked the others, as well, but I found them all a little samey. And why shouldn't he? And finally, I guess LaBute, while undeniably talented, just doesn't speak to me the way some of my favorite playwrights-- Durang, Albee-- do. I would love to see Ed Harris do this. Another complaint I have is that the voices of the characters tended to be very similar, especially when you compare the many monologues. Yes, Wrecks is a take on Oedipus Rex but with very little resolution...at least the way I read it. I liked WRECKS, the main play in this anthology, the most. Dull, Dull, rehashed LaDullness. We'll email you regular details of new plays and half-price special offers on a broad range of theatre titles. Bookish Trend: Horror Returns From the Dead. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Refresh and try again. We can deliver any play in print to any country in the world - and we ship from both the US and the UK. I don't like being bowled over with shock at the end of every play that I read; I think ending plays & books that way can be a cheap device, unless done with subtlety. 'href': url, This summer, as the world was thrown into uncertainty by a pandemic and our... Can someone honestly love a person whom they have deceived for thirty years? Didn’t particularly care for the lead play (Wrecks) and the rest of these “orphans” were a mixed bag. A downbeat night… elements: [{ var buy = function() { Spanning his career from 1990 to 2013, this collection brings together plays by Neil LaBute that take an unflinching look at the turbulent relationships between men and women The six plays in the Collection are: Filthy Talk for Troubled Time One of LaBute's earliest plays. I would have enjoyed it more if I hadn't read the preface before the play. The six plays in the Collectio... Tom loves Helen I am slowly understanding why so many friends of mine do not like his work. To see what your friends thought of this book. touchNavigation: false, But we’re all passionate about theatre and we all work hard to share that passion with you and the world’s online community. Welcome back. I'm proud to say that the twist began dawning on me a few pages before the ultimate reveal, and I was appropriately horrified and thrilled at the same time. Writing is top-notch. Such are the painful questions explored by Neil Labute in The Shape of Things. This is the Broadway Play Publishing edition Underdeveloped monologues or short one-scene plays that were mostly intriguing but needed more work before being published. That said, some of the other stuff in this collection is just snotty Pirandello-inspired nonsense that gets to be really grating. loop: false, Still, if you're a LaBute fan, this is a nice collection, and some are truly brilliant. For art? A downbeat night at a topless bar exposes the gulf between the twitchy clientele and the waitresses who serve but despise them, This examines a couple who, on the day after a world-changing atrocity, toy with exploiting it to start a new life, Some Girl(s) follows a young writer's panicked retreat from his imminent wedding as he seeks out old girlfriends and opens new wounds, The breakdown of a seemingly successful marriage is complicated by submerged bigotry, The collection also includes two short plays about relationships in crisis - A Second of Pleasure and Helter Skelter - which are in equal part tender and chilling, Together these plays form a complex and compelling portrait of the sexes. 'type': 'external', Spanning his career from 1990 to 2013, this collection brings together plays by Neil LaBute that take an unflinching look at the turbulent relationships between men and women. But we’re all passionate about theatre and we all work hard to share that passion with you and the world’s online community. Oh, well I like his full lengths even when they are predictable! Eh. }, One of LaBute's earliest plays. Be the first to ask a question about Wrecks and Other Plays. LaBute probably has the makings of a few good plays in here, but right now these are more like reading sketches of ideas turned into spoken word. Overall, I liked the plays, though. You always know that the absurd plot twist is coming, even if you don't usually know where. var url = `https://checkout.stageplays.com/cart?name=Neil%20LaBute%20-%20PLAYS%20ONE%20Neil%20LaBute%20%28Faber%20%26%20Faber%29&code=39581&weight=0.38&category=default&sku=9780571307852&price=22.95&quantity=${quantity}`.replace(/amp;/g, "") WRECKS - M1 }); Based in the UK and the USA, we’ve been serving the online theatre community since the last century. They were all well done, and all rather thought provoking. But still, another LaBute knockout. So what's your natural reaction? BASH is a collection of three darkly brilliant one-act plays, forming a trio of unforgettable personal accounts His debut feature, In the Company of Men, was described by Variety as ' a dark, probing, trulydisturbing expl... "Sitting in an automobile was where I first remember understanding how drama works ... Hidden in the back seat of a sedan, I quickly realized how deep the chasm or intense the claustrophobia could be inside ... Bash is a collection of three darkly brilliant one-act plays which opens with Iphigenia in Orem where a Utah businessman confides in a stranger in a Las Vegas hotel room, confessing to an especially chilling... Stageplays offers you the largest collection of Plays & Musicals in the world. Based in the UK and the USA, we’ve been serving the online theatre community since the last century. Neil LaBute’s plays celebrate oppressive, problematic behaviors. The main play, Wrecks, is clever in that dark Neil LaBute way. Good monologue material throughout! Your Friends and Neighbors is another of Neil Labute's tales of men behaving badly towards women. Bash - Latterday Plays - Ipgigenia in Orem & A Gaggle of Saints & Medea Redux. Neil LaBute - PLAYS ONE. I honestly can't offer that much specific criticism: overall, it's an excellent collection, but I feel as though there was something mi. I'm a fan of this compilation of Labute's work. keyboardNavigation: false, This book is not yet featured on Listopia. openEffect: "none", var quantity = document.getElementById("qty").value || 1; On the other hand, Khaos Company Theatre strives to give ordinary people a place to do great things in the pursuit of art and performance, … Let’s say it now and say it proud: Horror is back. A wonderful collection of plays and monologues from a very talented playwright. Neil LaBute titled the play Fat Pig (which first premiered off-Broadway in 2004) to get our attention. Even the ones I didn't like very much, like 'Stand-up,' made me pause and think about things. We can deliver any play in print to any country in the world - and we ship from both the US and the UK. So the unpredictable becomes highly predictable in a way. A wonderful collection of plays and monologues from a very talented playwright. My partner & I performed 'Land of the Dead' from this collection @ ACTF in California and made it to the Semi-finals, so that scene and 'Wrecks' especially holds a special place with me. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. We’d love your help. Can someone honestly love a person whom they have deceived for thirty years? There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Love the opening monologue...That would be a hard thing to do and LaBute pulls it off admirably. I was also annoyed by what I'm going to call "Labute's Overwhelming Need For Shock Value" in every play. This great-value Collection includes one full-length play, WRECKS, and seven short plays ... Neil LaBute is an American film director, screenwriter and playwright. Some pieces in this were truly stellar-- I especially liked 'Liar's Club' and 'Coax', although 'Love at Twenty' was also very good. I even used 3 monologues from here for my student directed play even though they weren’t that amazing or special. I liked the ideas (some, not all) but can’t say that I liked the plays. By John Lyle Belden. hmmm, Bastion was right. Kinda saw the "a-ha" moment coming. Really loved this in high school because I was a theatre kid who thought it was cool to like Neil LaBute. However, if he wanted to be blunt, he could have named the play Cowardice, because that is what this comedy-tinged drama is really about. A hallmark of plays by Neil LaBute is the aspect of seemingly ordinary people doing terrible things. Start by marking “Wrecks and Other Plays” as Want to Read: Error rating book. This collection of quickly-writen-for-famous friends-to-play monologues was below average in every facet it lacked. Fun for long monologues that are pretty well-written, but nothing really outstanding, shocking, thought-provoking, inspiring. Bobby thinks he's simply lending his sister a hand with clearing out... How far would you go for love? 2 1/2 stars really. buyLink.open(); This is the central question behind. July 10th 2007 Even the ones I didn't like very much, like 'Stand-up,' made me pause and think about things. closeEffect: "none", }] by Farrar, Straus and Giroux. We’re primarily a family-run business and several of us also work in professional theatre. var buyLink = GLightbox({ In MEDEA REDUX - F1 - a woman tells of her compl... Spanning his career from 1990 to 2013, this collection brings together plays by Neil LaBute that take an unflinching look at the turbulent relationships between men and women Your career as a writer is blossoming and your beautiful, young fiancée is eagerly waiting to get married They aren't so similar that there's no characterization, but the way they speak tends to become monotonous if you read them all back to back. Stageplays offers you the largest collection of Plays & Musicals in the world. Spanning his career from 1990 to 2013, this collection brings together plays by Neil LaBute that take an unflinching look at the turbulent relationships between men and women The six plays in the Collection… We’re primarily a family-run business and several of us also work in professional theatre. I honestly can't offer that much specific criticism: overall, it's an excellent collection, but I feel as though there was something missing from a few of the plays. We'll email you regular details of new plays and half-price special offers on a broad range of theatre titles. Neil LaBute Published by Faber & Faber 9780571307852. I have to give it to Neil Labute for being good at what he does. The rest of the plays, mostly one-offs involving one or two characters, are a mixed bag. It was so simple ... just a few little bits in his diary, files that he kept in longhand with all his thoughts and wishes and dreams ...
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