The Rebbe turned to him, noticing his excitement. Community. Rabbi Moshe Yaroslavsky, peace be with him, who oversaw hachnasas orchim, hospitality, agonized over finding enough places for all the guests. Dr. Yitzchak Block is Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of Western Ontario. It was the morning of Erev Pesach. Rabbi Sholom Ber Lipskar is executive director of the Aleph Institute, which services the His son, Rabbi Yisroel Gordon, recalls his father’s reports of the wedding. Dov Zlotnik, Professor of Rabbinic Literature at the Conservative Movement’s Jewish Theological Seminary, once delivered a sermon on the importance of Family Purity. Former Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu shares some of the personal experiences he had with the Rebbe during his tenure as Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations. A huge crowd had come to Crown Heights. Impact. Features in the works for My Moment include name tagging, adding video stills of all remaining dates, a mobile-friendly ordering experience, and many more technology enhancements to enable an even better user experience. In 1927, the Previous Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, was arrested in Leningrad for counterrevolutionary activity – spreading religion. In their stories, a part of the Rebbe's life story is told. Home. to decide on a topic for her doctoral thesis, she decided to ask the Rebbe’s opinion. During the 5710’s (1950’s), the Rebbe would often daven in the courtyard adjacent to 770.Before Shabbos Bereishis 5718 (1957), when the Rebbe suggested to the administration that the davening be held there, the caring gabbai argued that it was cold and dirty down there.. At the farbrengen, the Rebbe relayed the conversation, and suddenly began to cry. It was Tishrei 5748 (1983-84) — Shnas Hakhel, the year following shmittah, when the Land of Israel took a sabbatical. It was 5749 [1989]. My Encounter; The Living Archive; Production; My Moment with the Rebbe; Sales; Partnerships; Connection Point; Ashreinu; Research and Collabaration. Shyly she stood before him. 10-Point Mitzvah Campaign. The Rebbe could offer salvation in one word. WATCH: Hidden Treasure – Now in Five Languages, Connection Point Brings Rebbe to Children, Conclusion of the Simchas Torah | Highlights from 770. He reveals the Rebbe’s influence in bringing down the Iron Curtain. After the rabbis entered their car, the secretary motioned that they left. Dr. Velvl Greene is Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology and Public Health at Ben Gurion Nonetheless, he remained childless. Obid Asomov & Karen Avanesyan’s Interview with UzbekN TV New York... Man accused of impersonating police officer to get into synagogue –... Bella Roza in Rego Park Closed by Health Department. He describes an event early in the Rebbe’s presence on these shores, which was truly characteristic of the Rebbe. to spend a weekend in Crown Heights, where they attended the Rebbe’s Shabbos Farbrengen. Apparently the Rebbe was providing them with a heavenly escort via his gaze as they drove to the airport. Rabbi Moshe Gerlitzky was a student in the Lubavitch Yeshiva at that time. He turned to Rabbi Zalman Vilenkin, asking him to teach his sons. Ten Mitzvahs. And the Rebbe said yes.”. 13 Ways the Lubavitcher Rebbe Changed the World Forever. The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of blessed memory, is the seventh leader in the Chabad-Lubavitch dynasty.He has been described as the most phenomenal Jewish personality of our time. At the time, Rabbi Jacobson’s oldest daughter, Chaya Sara, who had immigrated to the U.S. with her father, was nine years old. Yona Kese grew up in Dnepropetrovsk at the same time the Rebbe was there. Over the past years, JEM has painstakingly worked through thousands of hours of video of the Rebbe greeting individuals, and captured a still image of each precious moment.Recently, an additional 175,000 stills were captured.. Now, individuals can browse through these moments on the easy-to-navigate My Moment platform, locate themselves, and order … In their stories, a part of the Rebbe… The project was made possible by the members of The JEM Foundation and The Gan Foundation. As a rabbinic student at 770, Rabbi Aaron Cousin joined his colleagues in working under the Dr. David Luchins served on the staff of US Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan for twenty years. Simply go to and search by date, time of day, and other fields. “Afterward, we calculated that these twenty-five minutes were the amount of time it took for the rabbis to reach the airport, whence they were flying directly to Eretz Yisroel. It features 350,000 video stills, 175,000 of them newly captured from video, enabling individuals to find their moment with the Rebbe. Daily life at the court of 770 Eastern Parkway involved more than prayer, study, or Chabad business. The man explained, “During World War Two I was cut off from my father. With Germany about to invade France, Asher Heber’s father was unsure whether to escape The Rebbe should stay well. The Rebbe always enjoyed a pleasant surprise. Find My Moment With the Rebbe. When he consulted the Rebbe Rabbi Zalman Posner was a young yeshivah student when the Rebbe arrived in the United States in 1941. Nevertheless, the Rebbe remained there and gazed off into the distance for a long time, while we continued singing. “What brings you here to Crown Heights?”. Shortly thereafter Rabbi Menachem Mendel, his son-in-law to be, was forced into hiding. The Rebbe was asked where the money should be spent. In the early 1960s, he read an alarming When the Rebbe passed by him, the man asked the Rebbe something in Russian. After the first El Al plane was hijacked to Algiers, the story began to circulate of the Rebbe’s In a fatherly tone the Rebbe commanded, “Look into my eyes.”, Overcome with emotion, Rabbi Jacobson urged her, “Chaya Sarale, look at the Rebbe.”. He and his wife came to the Rebbe with concerns about their children’s Jewish education. Find My Moment With the Rebbe. Visitors came from all over the world – some for a blessing, others for a miracle. The app provides users with the ability to search by date or time, and to see photo details and preexisting name tags. In 1930 the Friedeker Rebbe spent the month of Tishrei in New York. David Bezborodko was a businessman from a non-Chassidic family, who directed his family’s glass and mirror factory in Paris. Quietly he remained at the last door at the end of the zal, hall, downstairs. Individuals who met the Rebbe in person and corresponded with him tell of experiences that touched them, impacted their lives, and in turn, caused them to inspire others. Keep up with the latest from JEM, enjoy our content, and learn about our many departments, projects, and sites - all on JEMCentral. “You’re Related to the Lubavitcher Rebbe?”, 13 Ways the Lubavitcher Rebbe Changed the World Forever. National Council of Young Israel from 1956 to 1992. He An original participant in NASA’s Exobiology program, he served as Professor of In the following story, the Friedeker Rebbe shows his appreciation for the esrog by bestowing a strange but wonderful blessing to Rabbi Jacobson. Rabbi Ephraim Sturm served as Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer of the Dr. Velvel Greene was an original participant in NASA’s Exobiology program searching for life Rabbi Zev Segal decided to corroborate the The Rebbe stopped and listened. The Avner Institute presents anecdotes adapted from the personal diary of Rabbi Boruch Kahana, from Kiryat Gat, Israel, describing encounters, formal or spontaneous, with the Rebbe and his predecessor, and those who were greatly impacted – a cross-eyed girl, Bukharian refugee, childless Vizhnitzer Chassid, and Chief Rabbis of Israel. Rabbi Chazkel Besser of Agudas Yisrael of America later heard these recollections from Yitzchok Meir. Dovid. One day, a Vizhnitzer Chassid came into 770. Dr. David Luchins served on the staff of US Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan for twenty Impact. In 1909, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak, Rebbetzin Chana and their three sons moved to Dnepropetrovsk, a huge military city 520 kilometers from Kiev, where Rabbi Levi Yitzchok became the rabbi of the city’s 25 synagogues and 50,000 Jews. 350,000 video stills, over 175,000 of them new, are now accessible on a brand new, easy-to-navigate, powerful web app. Community. My Moment solves both problems. A Moment with the Rebbe. Individuals who met the Rebbe in person and corresponded with him tell of experiences that touched them, impacted their lives, and in turn, caused them to inspire others. Gifts to and from the Rebbe came in all forms and all times. University. on Mars. Daily life at the court of 770 Eastern Parkway involved more than prayer, study, or Chabad business. In 1983, he attended a retirement party for Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm of Crown Heights, where she revealed the identity of a most important mentor. Dr. Yaacov Hanoka relates how the Rebbe guided him when he first left college and began studying in the Lubavitch Yeshivah.

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