[3], For a collection of other versions see Bible Gateway.com: Matthew 5:13. Exodus 30:35, Ezekiel 16:4, Ezekiel 43:24, and 2 Kings 2:21 all present salt as a purifying agent. 13 Crucial Ways the Bible Differs from Other Religious Texts, This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright © 2020, Crosswalk.com. savour, wherewith shall it be salted? The World English Bible translates the passage as: You are the salt of the earth, but if the salt has lost its For when he says: You are the salt of the earth, he is indicating that all mankind had lost its savor and had been corrupted by sin. [15] George Shillington feels that the Greek word for salt here refers to the chemical agent used in ancient times to fertilize fields rather than the edible salt used to preserve meat or flavor foods, indicating that the disciples are to bring new life to the world. His devotion to the written Word of God was matched by a love of the Eucharist and of divine worship. Memorize these truths: Matthew 5:13a & 14a previously quoted. μὴ βληθὲν ἔξω καταπατεῖσθαι ὑπὸ τῶν ἀνθρώπων.[1]. Gundry notes that at the time garbage would have been disposed of by throwing it out into the street. But if you yourselves suffer that loss, you will drag others down with you. This reluctant patriarch nevertheless fulfilled his duty with extraordinary energy and courage. This post is an excerpt from a homily by Saint John Chrysostom on the Gospel of St. Matthew (Hom 15, 6-7: PG 57, 231-232). [27] In Aramaic the same term is used for losing savour and becoming foolish. Pollster George Gallup Jr. reported that Americans are lonely. To this day, the principal “Byzantine” liturgy celebrated by most Slavic, Greek, and middle-eastern Christians is known as the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. 4 of ISBE. Salt also played role in ritual purity and all sacrifices had to contain salt. [5] It was most used as a preservative; this use was important enough that salt was sometimes even used as currency, from which the word salary originates. ", Did you know that everyone has fallen in the sense that all have sinned? The literal translation of the Greek: μωρανθῇ, mōranthē, "loses its savour", is "becomes foolish". Bible quotations are from the New King James Version, unless otherwise noted. "You could stand up to bullies and tell them God doesn't like it when they hurt other people," says Chloe, 11. Sixty-five houses in June – Lady Stanhope’s village were rented and filled with salt. Nothing soothes a sore throat or settles an upset stomach like a bowl of homemade chicken soup. . There is a variant reading in the Textus Receptus, which reads: The translation of the King James Bible reads: Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his Maundrell says, “I broke a piece of it, of which that part that was exposed to the rain, sun, and air, though it had the sparks and particles of salt, yet it had perfectly lost its savour. [citation needed]. Biography by Dr. Italy, 320 Decker Dr., Suite 100 but to be cast out and trodden under the feet of men. Pages 286-7 in vol. [23] Nolland considers the impossibility of what is described as deliberate, it is counter to nature that salt lose its flavour, just as it is counter to God's will that the disciples lose faith. You are the salt of the earth. For the man who is kindly, modest, merciful and just will not keep his good works to himself but will see to it that these admirable fountains send out their streams for the good of others. Newton, William. This was good for nothing, except that it was used to place in paths, or walks, as we use gravel. [12] Many scholars disagree with Gundry's translation of earth as soil: most see it as referring to the world and in Eduard Schweizer's words "the totality of mankind,"[13] even though the more common word used for this purpose is anthrópos[14] and that gé is used extensively as "land" or as physical earth.
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