Here are a few things that I would like to try to prove in my experiment. The rain shadow effect is where precipitation amounts drop significantly on the leeward side of a mountain. As a Shadow is always present on the opposite side, a rain shadow is also present on the opposite side of the rain. It assumes that more rain falls when there is more wind, and the wind aloft is not extremely variable. 3). Since I live on the leeward side of a mountain, I am more interested in the rain shadow effect. The wind over the water bodies sometimes travels over the land carrying water molecules in the form of water vapor. Regarding the San Jose area, I have noticed that the southern end receives more rainfall than in the north. Even my best guess at these values would be so inaccurate that the derived equation would be practically useless. This promotes evaporation. When mountains are nearby, the rainfall amounts can vary significantly within a small distance. The air over large bodies of water tends to be dense, warm and moist. After doing this experiment, I am much more confident about my original theories. Because of wind, rainfall that is intensified by orographic lifting does not stop at the edge of a mountain. There was also another long period of the storm with heavy rain and light winds. This is very interesting, since both places are in the same valley, and relatively close to each other. Weak-rain-shadow (strong-rain-shadow) storms are the 33 storms with the lowest (highest) rain-shadow index values among the 100 wettest storms from 2005 to 2010. Ballerina Butterfly Queen. One of the most interesting aspects of weather is rainfall, and its variance from one place to another. In places where the coastal elevation rises steeply, however, it is not possible for the ocean air to pass over the land without rising above the level of the mountains. There is was steeper slope at the beginning, and it became less pronounced shortly thereafter. The mean slope of the graph from 0km to 17km was about 2.7mm(rain) per km(distance). 1). I had to ask for permission to set up most of them. Lv 5. A large storm arrived the evening after I set up the rain gauges. 4.5), I used my altimeter, along with the topographic map to find the elevation at these different sites. Wind is the main variable. PLAY. I needed several rain gauges, equally spaced, and oriented in the right direction. This creates a region on the far side of the mountain range that is relatively deficient in precipitation to the point of forming a rain-shadow desert. Since I find the data so interesting, I will continue this experiment. Without wind, there would be no rain shadow effect. 5 for the graphs) The first two storms showed a definite pattern, and seemed to confirm the hypotheses. Three of those were also used for the first part of the experiment. When this wind moves onto a hill or an elevated land, it has lower pressure where its capacity to hold water in the form of water vapor decreases. However, that does not mean that there is no rainfall variation past a certain point. This is why places like Arica, Chile average only .5mm of rain per year. Festival of Sacrifice: The Past and Present of the Islamic Holiday of Eid al-Adha. I can, however, make an equation to predict a less complex aspect of the rain shadow effect. For higher winds, the line should have less of a slope because the effects are spread (blown) over a larger area. These are by far the most common in this area. The same thing happens in the Santa Clara Valley, although on a smaller scale. Match. There is no force (besides a very small amount of wind resistance) acting on a cloud in the opposite direction the wind is blowing. This region which is called as Leeward region or Rain shadow region has little rain over a long period of time and the land will almost be barren. This rate is mainly dependent on temperature, upper-level wind speed, and the vertical height of the clouds. This proved to be what happened. That is the basis for my main hypothesis, and it seems to be substantially reflected by the data. The rainfall patterns both consisted of two main parts. Learn. Simply stated, the rain shadow effect is caused by air warming up and losing its moisture after it passes over mountains. The average temperature again was about 13ºC. My house in the far southern end typically receives 30%-100% more rainfall than downtown San Jose. It depends on the particular storm, and the particular cells and bands that happen to develop. Since there are an infinite number of different wind speeds and cloud heights in a storm, there are an infinite number of slopes for the initial line. The data was gathered from three storms (See Table 1). The slope from 0km to 12km was about -3.6mm/km. Cold, rarefied air is very poor at retaining water vapor, so the water in the air tends to precipitate out along the windward slope of the mountains. Write. Will 5G Impact Our Cell Phone Plans (or Our Health?! Since the rain shadow effect is almost entirely based on the wind speed, the wind speed is the only variable I need for a good approximation. This is called Orographic rainfall or Relief rainfall. Precipitation is formed or intensified by air rising, cooling below the dew point, and condensing. Ask students to think about other rainy places in the United States that are probably not caused by rain shadow effect. Other variables besides wind and possibly temperature are too insignificant compared to the random variations that are possible. One exception might be during scattered thunderstorm activity where temperature, instability, and chance play a major role. Typically a dry climate. Mountains force air to rise and fall. If that is the only effect the wind has, the rain patterns should be fairly uniform, and proportional with different storms of different magnitudes. The third storm was different from the first two. It means that since the expected variables are too insignificant, the rainfall in this location is random and unpredictable. 4.5 for a map of the locations).

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