A quality professional development program encourages employees to continue their learning beyond the confines of the office. any information on or accessible via JOBGEAR. Miner said that disinterest correlates to "why companies are finding hiring and retention so hard. Here are three easy ways that managers can support their employees' personal and professional development: 1. Micro-learning occurs when an educational opportunity focuses on small concepts. Some source interviews were conducted for a previous version of this article. According to Steve Hawter, vice president of learning and development at The Learning Experience, professional development "controls an employee's readiness for contributing to a company in new ways, whether the company adopts a new strategy, expands or needs change.". All rights reserved. Address skill gaps by empowering employees to expand their expertise, and therefore their … Professional development opportunities can be presented with the use of various resources. According to Smith, many people pursue professional development to bolster their confidence in what they do at work, "which is a noble reason to continue to develop yourself.". Attending Courses: Apprenticeship: Peer Help: Research Work: Can Microlearning Help Your Business With Career Development? [Read related article: Build a Culture That Increases Employee Retention]. Not only will it keep employees happy in their jobs and increase retention, but it also builds a skilled team of people who have the ability to perform multiple job functions. These are some ways to encourage professional development in your company: Having a secure job doesn't mean professionals should stop learning academically. This way, you let them explore other areas wherein they can gain added knowledge which aids in their development, and sure enough, the new assignment gives them more experience. For example, Study.com organizes 24-hour "Rockethons," in which the company forms small teams to discuss ideas, create prototypes, improve tools and more. Not only do you play a big role that comes with a huge responsibility, but you have a significant influence on your team members or staff. Members of Forbes Coaches Council share 13 ways managers can show support for their employees' personal development initiatives, while still giving … Emotional intelligence, mindfulness, and communication skills (such as writing or public speaking) are general areas that have been shown to promote employee happiness and business success. The best professional development programs are overseen by professional organizations, such as Dale Carnegie Training, because those workshops "focus on leadership," said Smith. In fact, a focus on people is one of the five key traits we uncovered by from the 2016 Glassdoor Best Places to Work award winners. The employees you handle everyday will most likely follow your actions and learn from how you address concerns within the workplace, even when not directly taught. Designed to arm employees with new resources to succeed in their positions, even preparing them to accept additional duties within the company, these programs are gaining in popularity, complexity and necessity. Webinars and podcasts are examples of informal learning that gives the participant total control over when they seek the assistance. Informal Training The best way to foster professional development often is right at your own desk. It implies that you have high regard for them and their participation, and will be credited to them towards possible career advancement. Although many managers talk a good game about promoting professional development in the workplace, not all actually implement the strategies that will result in increased productivity, improved morale and greater job satisfaction. Allow them to “break things” and learn from those mistakes. One way to promote professional development in the workplace involves matching experienced employees with new... Brown-Bag Sessions. . They or their representatives should meet with employees regularly to discuss each one's job performance and areas where professional development would benefit them and the company. Importance of professional development programs, Foundations of a strong professional development program. Ongoing professional development can bring immense benefits to... What Is Industrial-Organizational Psychology? As the worldwide business landscape evolves, responding to the whims of technology and increased competition, so does the importance of professional development programs. "Creating a culture of learning in the workplace is a shared responsibility," Ridner said. When it comes to seniority, usually it takes a lot of time; however, promotions which are triggered by increased productivity and efficiency happen much more quickly. One example of this niche learning is teaching a staffer how to connect with the mobile generation. To keep employees from feeling like lone wolves in their participation, make sure they have performance objectives tied to course completion, or gather groups to watch courses and complete assignments together. By submitting your information you agree to Glassdoor's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. As employees are promoted up the organization chart, fewer jobs become available, yet continuing to grow skills and experience should still be a priority for people obtaining value from and adding value to their career. It provides a great opportunity for learning, innovation, and professional growth. Organizations with a strong learning culture are 92% more likely to develop novel products and processes, 52% more productive, 56% more likely to be the first to market with their products and services, and 17% more profitable than their peers. Certification is one way for staffers to demonstrate they can perform bigger and better things, upping their value to their employers and the workforce in general. Employers should consider additional programs for their employees to continue higher education at a lower cost. Stay up to date on your job and industry. While employees can also co-train on a mutually agreed topic, professional development budgets have shrunk in the past few years. This gives your employee a pat on the back and also inspires others to do the same. Google Plus / Leaders and supervisors are empowered in the chain of command. Regular follow-ups are necessary to ensure employees are using everything they have learned to improve their performance. They look up to you and you serve as their role model in whatever they do. JOBGEAR, Ways to Promote Professional Development in the Workplace. For many highly skilled employees, sharing what they know can be a great confidence builder, and a new avenue of development not necessarily related to a promotion. And employees that can effectively communicate in writing, meetings, and presentations strengthens both internal and external relationships. Utilize the internet which is conveniently ready for use. Let’s emphasize how you should apply this concept to employee development, because personal and professional growth is crucial to employee engagement. New strategies and technologies relevant to just about every career are being introduced constantly. Companies that don't invest in educational training programs for their staff run the risk of losing them to employers that do. "Training fills in a gap, but development looks to the future and growth of the company and employee.". The presence of highly skilled instructors in business-related topics in your greater community creates goodwill for your employer brand as well as rewards the teacher with a sense of accomplishment. Invite guest speakers to inspire and motivate employees, and keep them geared towards success. Take our top tips and start prioritizing professional growth. Offer professional development opportunities to your staff with a variety of … Consider setting a budget for industry conference attendance, and encourage managers to request a conference recap upon the employee's return. Ways to Promote Professional Development in the Workplace, Institute of Food Science & Technology: Learning Activities. Networking at industry trade group conferences and with like-minded professionals at other organizations, joining a formal coaching or mentoring program outside of work, earning an advanced degree or writing articles or a paper enhance the reputations of the employee as well as the organization. As a company, you want your employees to be invested in your goals. Because the modern workforce comprises three or four generations, a one-size-fits-all approach to employee enrichment is simply outdated, Hawter said. Once you see a job well done and genuine efforts in doing online courses or special projects, show that it is appreciated and share his or her success with your staff when you hold the next meeting. More self-aware employees who can empathize with each other create an environment with less of the infighting and political battles that can lower employee morale and productivity. Sign up to get free content delivered to your inbox weekly! These are the two pillars of a viable professional development program: According to Hawter, "micro-learning" is the current buzzword in the learning and development universe. Companies can form partnerships or provide access to workplace education, like online lessons and in-house training sessions, Ridner said. Product and service reviews are conducted independently by our editorial team, but we sometimes make money when you click on links. While some staffers will welcome professional development opportunities, others might be reluctant, despite the importance of the experiences. Ways to Promote Professional Development in the Workplace Mentoring. You want them to get excited about your successes, and feel motivated to improve your products, contribute to your workplace culture, and be an active part of the company community. Keep an open mind to what they are trying to express as you discuss progress during coaching sessions. Empowerment and Trust: The Keys to Employee Engagement, https://www.achievers.com/blog/category/leadership, How Cross Training Can Improve Employee Engagement, https://www.achievers.com/blog/3-ways-promote-professional-growth/. Your email address will not be published. is a cost-effective way to help employees build new skills. Match junior and senior employees who are not in a direct managerial relationship for a regularly scheduled meetings. Display interest in their progress, and monitor each employee's performance as much as possible. Industries are constantly evolving and business moves at a fast pace, so employees need to keep up with the latest research, knowledge, tools, etc. Many employees have not thought past their current job or the next promotion they'd like to receive. Although many managers talk a good game about promoting professional development in the workplace, not all actually implement the strategies that will result in increased productivity, improved morale and greater job satisfaction. Create an online library of tutorials to serve as their guide and reference whenever they need it. The best way to achieve this is by encouraging professional development and growth through promoting activities related to a brighter future that awaits them. If you’re seeking to improve your company’s learning program and foster professional development, you’re not alone: 84% of executives surveyed for Deloitte’s 2016 Human Capital Trends Report view learning as an important  or very important issue.

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