Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. Vyskytuje se ve východní Asii. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. Biodiversity, Education, Taxonomy, Science & Law and Policy, Birds (Ecology), Mammals (Ecology), Spiders, Insects, Biodiversity, Data Analysis, Conservation, Ecosystems, Evolution & Genetics, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Insects, It is a nest parasite of Vespa crabro and V. simillima. Citation :- Vespa dybowskii. It is a rare species found only in the central mountains of Japan, North Burma, Eastern China and Ussuriland in Russia (Sakagami and Fukushima, 1957; Archer, 1992). Inquiline social parasites as tools to unlock the secrets of insect sociality. Do avian brood parasites eavesdrop on heterospecific sexual signals revealing host quality? Invasive Alien Species, Insects, Holotype male; China: ‘Hangchow’ (HANGZHOU, destroyed?). Biodiversity, Conservation, Ecosystems & Water, Insects (Ecology), Search. Since hydrocarbons function as recognition cues in social insects, we investigated these compounds from the surface of eggs and workers of V. dybowskii, both host species (V. simillima and V. crabro) and an additional four non-host species. Biodiversity, Ecosystems, Medical & Science, Fishes, Insects, This species is relatively rare in collections. SERANGGA, Volume 16, Issue 1, p. 105, 2011. In birds this is achieved through egg mimicry. Biodiversity, Medical & Science, Department of Wildlife and National Parks (PERHILITAN), Mammals, Insects, Free and Open Access to Biodiversity Data. 2007 Apr;10(2):81-8. doi: 10.1007/s10071-006-0055-2. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. Biodiversity & Conservation, Insects (Ecology), 2017 Mar 15;284(1850):20162249. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2016.2249. Biodiversity, Insects, Nehring V, Dani FR, Calamai L, Turillazzi S, Bohn H, Klass KD, d'Ettorre P. BMC Ecol. Very little is known about the natural history of this species. Biodiversity, Conservation, Ecosystems & Science, Insects, Molluscs, Copyright © 2020 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. NLM 2006 Aug;81(3):383-406. doi: 10.1017/S1464793106007044. Within the hornets the only known social parasite is the rare Vespa dybowskii. Social dominance molds cuticular and egg chemical blends in a paper wasp. Both avian and insect cuckoos must trick their hosts into accepting foreign eggs. The influence of slavemaking lifestyle, caste and sex on chemical profiles in. We investigated how the V. dybowskii queen induces tens or hundreds of host workers to accept her eggs and offspring. Epub 2012 Jun 30. Type species: Vespa binghami du Buysson, 1905 Fixation: original designation [p. 210] [and monotypy] Authority for synonymy: Carpenter , 1987: 426–427 ('syn.n.') COVID-19 is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation. We investigated how the V. dybowskii queen induces tens or hundreds of host workers to accept her eggs and offspring. Medical, Insects, Mosquitoes,

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