The best way to get from London to Plymouth without a car is to train which takes 3h 9m and costs £75 - £180. But train tickets can get prohibitively expensive, so choose the bus for the most affordable option of travel. Travel from London to Plymouth by car has length 216 miles and lasts about 3 hours and 53 minutes. Distance from London to Plymouth by car 215 miles or 347 km is driving distance from London to Plymouth by car. The train, however, is the fastest method at just three hours from city center to city center. It's about 212 miles from London to Plymouth by roads, and renting a vehicle for a road trip is perhaps one of the most fun ways to get there. Travel from London England to Plymouth England by car lasts about 3 hours and 53 minutes and has length 216 miles. Travel route goes through Westminster, Egham, Frimley, Basingstoke, Amesbury, Mere and Wincanton. The travel plan consists of distances, timings and road types. To find out how to travel 216 miles from London to Plymouth, scroll to the map and use zoom to view all the route details. More details How far is it from London to Plymouth? Accurate satellite coordinates were used to calculate the, driving directions from London to Plymouth, distance from Needham Market to Stornoway, kilometrage from Ottery St Mary to Saxilby, driving distance from Halstead to Paddock Wood. It will take approximately 04 hours 17 minutes to cover the distance.

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