1719 N Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, One hummingbird survives cold nights by nearly freezing stiff, Gene editing can alter body fat and may fight diabetes, Surviving Mars missions will take planning and lots of innovation, Batteries not included: This Game Boy look-alike doesn’t need them, Student scientists work to help all of us survive a warmer world, The faster trees grow, the younger they die, This high-tech sweeper is designed for super-clingy moon dust, Trees power this alarm system for remote forest fires, Washing your jeans too much might pose risks to the environment, Analyze This: Perfumes from everyday products collect in distant ice, New solution for carbon dioxide: Turn it into ‘green’ fuel. On upwind mountain slopes where thunderstorms are especially common, rates of lightning strikes can be even higher. [1](p4) A trail of debris from the plane extended as far as four miles (6 km) from the point of impact. [1](p4) Twenty-three witnesses reported that the aircraft exploded after they saw the plane on fire. It’s likely that one is the main lightning strike “decaying” into short-lived glowing puffs of plasma. A lightning bolt strikes a distant peak in the Drakensberg region of southern Africa. Further field studies would be needed to make sure that lightning strikes are no more common here than at other sites in the area. Weekly updates to help you use Science News for Students in the learning environment. It’s a mountainous region in Lesotho, a country in southern Africa. [11] In some cases, the team reconstructed the victims' faces as much as possible using mannequins. [5][3], The Civil Aeronautics Board was notified of the accident and was dispatched from Washington, D.C., to conduct an investigation. [1](p4), The aircraft involved was a Boeing 707-121 registered with tail number N709PA. [23] The wing tip had been found about three miles (5 km) from the crash site bearing burn marks and bulging from an apparent internal explosive force. [3] After refueling, the aircraft left Baltimore at 8:24 p.m. with the remaining 73 passengers for the final leg to Philadelphia International Airport. The dry conditions didn’t help, he said. These seemingly fresh surfaces also were harder than similar rocks nearby. The Greater Virunga Trans-boundary Collaboration (GVTC) called this a big loss for the species seeing as there are only just over 1,000 mountain gorillas in existence. “When fungi and algae marry.” Science News for Students. [19](p31), Initial theories of the cause of the crash focused on the possibility that the plane had experienced severe turbulence in flight that had caused a fuel tank or fuel line to rupture, leading to an in-flight fire from leaking fuel. As these long-lived ice streams flow, they grind away at the bedrock below. It didn’t resemble an airplane. The strike in Kensington was just one of several in the region Wednesday evening. That explains why lightning flickers. And lightning is quite powerful. “The potential of the three females for their contribution to the population was immense,” Dr Seguya said. On December 8, 1963, the Boeing 707 serving the flight crashed near Elkton, Maryland, while flying from Baltimore to Philadelphia, after being hit by lightning. Samples from the post-mortem are currently being tested and confirmation of the cause of death is expected within the next three weeks, GVTC said. Real-time lightning network covering Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia. If that water is inside the rock, either soaked into its pores or stuck in a crack, the pressure increase as it flashes to steam could shatter rock. He enjoys cooking and woodworking, and he really, really wants to get better at golf. [19](p22)[25] Aviation industry representatives were critical of the order, saying there was no evidence that the dischargers would have any beneficial effect since they were never designed to handle the effects of lightning, and they said the order would create a false impression that the risk of lightning strikes had been resolved. Eventually, they focused on eight sites scattered across several peaks. [29][28] Fuel vent flame arrestors were added to aircraft to detect and extinguish fuel vapors that had ignited at fuel vent outlets. In fact, the magnetic changes could be very, very old. This can break loose boulders that the glaciers then carry with them. What’s more, Knight and Grab focused on a tiny fraction of the Drakensberg region to explain what’s happening throughout these mountains generally. The crash also led to research into the safety of different types of aviation fuel and research into methods of reducing dangerous fuel-tank vapors. On upwind mountain slopes where thunderstorms are especially common, rates of lightning strikes can be even higher. Or purchase a subscription for unlimited access to real news you can count on. [3][21] Built to withstand an impact 100 times as strong as the force of gravity, it had been subjected to a force of 200 times the force of gravity, and its tape appeared to be hopelessly damaged. So maybe the small area that this team studied is unusual. A lightning strike in has killed four rare mountain gorillas including a pregnant female in Uganda, a conservation group says. geology The study of Earth’s physical structure and substance, its history and the processes that act on it. There was increased attention to the electrical bonding of the components installed in the outer surfaces of the fuel tanks located in the wings, such as fuel filler caps, drain valves, and access panels, to the surrounding structures. [6] Named the Clipper Tradewind, it was the oldest aircraft in the U.S. commercial jet fleet at the time of the crash. Three adult females and a male infant were found in Uganda’s Mgahinga National Park with “gross lesions” on their bodies indicating electrocution.
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