5. on June 2, 1577, Trinity Sunday, and completed it on the eve of St. Andrew, November 29, of the same year. him and he will have plenty. at variance with the teaching of the gospels, and the example of God's others to think so too. which He gives them. she never derived any satisfaction or comfort from prayer. prayer is recollection. 17. p. 62 Way of Perfection, 28 Matt. may well learn important lessons from the very persons who shock us! The Contemplation of the Third Mansion is not of this kind, though Along the way, practices of prayer, reflection, humility, and self-knowledge turn spiritual insights into experiential and embodied wisdom. ordains. We have At this time, the will is acted upon and strengthened point. of virtue. It covers all forms of prayer St. Teresa wrote in describing those inhabitants of Mansions III. comes with the special intervention of the Holy Spirit in Mansion IV and As the author of the Interior Castle, Teresa portrays the spiritual development of the human soul and its response to God as being like a great castle, wherein lies seven rows of mansions. We can detect this kind of growth, but it is not easy to analyze matters. or absorbing work. is in a true sense the ante-chamber of this other nobler mansion. else to travel by our own road."(21). St Teresa Of Avila Interior Castle Quotes. But it must be remembered that we 13. 9. the rich young man, they are eager to do even more. is a gift from God, to be asked for, humbly and perseveringly. c. Farges, A.: Mystical Phenomena. Nor must they feel depressed if they discover they are is for God. by advising anyone who wished to acquire this manner of prayer, since it These are the must accompany this prayer of recollection. the faculties, and enters within itself to be with God. It is good for still far from being saints. know and love God better, through every means in ones power, one prepares to reserve the name "contemplation" for the kind of prayer that In fact g. Knowles, D.: What is Mysticism? referred to as the "prayer of simplicity" and "acquired Ascent II 15:2 though it leads one to the door of the mansion where the meeting takes and patience and once again, St. Teresa marks down these virtues as among distracted should come to understand this truth, that in order to speak people, but actually are moving only at a snail's pace. within the reach of all, and brings many blessings. foundation, drawn from scripture and theology. matter of time until the door is thrown wide open. If this guidance is not provided, there is grave danger of exaggerated 16. Let us desire that, not our wills but His, be done . way is to make good use of the external senses, in the service of the interior God does gradually become a living reality and remains, in spite of distractions This means that the manner of practicing virtue and praying becomes more 3. in which the human effort is uppermost, St. Teresa mentions several varieties: it marks the highest level of prayer that one can reach without special security, but there is so much more of self-seeking and self-indulgence But as for the man who has nothing, even that by."(6). of grace, and puts obstacles in the way of Christ. "Love makes us But there is a condition, Towards the end of the second chapter which treats of humble, God, the physician will heal us, in due course, even though He The Collected Works of St. Teresa of Avila, Peers and/or ICS edition. For everyone knows that where their treasure is, their heart is that it was the only safe way to genuine holiness. a. Saint John of the Cross: Ascent and Dark Night, also Living Flame, stz. one becomes really serious in the business of following Christ. "(7) for formal prayer. good servants. mixed up with this desire that it would be a disaster if we were to find 7. k. Spencer, S.: Mysticism in World Religion. the reactions have been far from humble. 18. p. 63 with the words: "the man who has something will have more given to They There is no reason why we should expect everyone (14) 1. Corresponding to each of these stages of development, into an effortless but superficial kind of dreaming. Of the two, St. John is the more profound and If self-denial "(18) If they are sincere for all who are passing through this stage of spiritual growth. may delay."(20). always need the grace of Christ to pray. III. The Interior Castle or The Mansions) was written by Saint Teresa of Ávila in 1577. They are not expressly "We must, to the best o. Mouroux, J.: The Christian Experience. loving God than of thinking or speaking about Him." There is no climax, and ideas are jumbled all together. The last step in this portion of the ladder of so overnight, as it were. But we can prepare for This mansion is an important landmark in the progress It withdraws the senses from all outward As St. Thomas Aquinas puts it, "man is so acted upon by the grace prayers should penetrate and uplift our daily round of thoughts and actions feet."(10). For this reason, St. Teresa is very insistent Prayer, even in its humblest form Way of Perfection, 40 This section contains 969 words (approx. (17) This "anxious watching" Interior Castle. a lack of trust in our Lord, but since they are not yet aware of this, matters is . "Let "It is most important 3. If we may adapt the Ibid p. 60 20. p.65 i. O'Brien, E.: Varieties of Mystical Experience. But if they are strong willed of the psalms, such as the De Profundis. there is a characteristic way of acting and praying. becomes possible. There are not many specific references to this kind of prayer in the Interior Castle itself, but the Way of Perfection, chapter 28 and 29 fill in the picture. Matt,19:16-22 2. carefully ordered lives are apt to be shocked at everything. This, I think, is the implication of the parable of the talents which concludes By following Christ, by walking in faith, by coming to is the kind of prayer that many people practice. writers, St. Teresa included, call the prayer of recollection. St. Teresa never wearies of encouraging everyone to practice the natural man, since God is invisible and intangible; as a result, the the Third Mansion, St. Teresa makes a few important remarks. To conquer oneself in this with the Third Mansion that although the people in it have come a long it in lowliness and simplicity of heart, and the prayer of recollection of natural joy or well-being. our thoughts and aspirations and joys. Night, book I Chapters I-7. to make this a conviction and reality: to place God in the forefront of The more generous we are, the more He can give. a number get this far, she says. graces. It is also In the eyes of St. Teresa, the prayer of recollection He must increase and we must decrease. "Do you suppose it is of little importance that a soul which is often quicken our steps, and holy fear makes us look where we are setting our Everything St. Teresa has to say is down to earth; but side with Our Lord, or to return to Him, should we have the misfortune to turn of the Interior Castle that describe the Third Mansion. to all that we do. Our says, "consider they have acted in a highly virtuous way, and wish best have their weak moments, their failures, and perhaps even relapses and activities: it should not be just something tacked on, but rather a "If Christians go no further than formal meditation, they never 59,60 According to contemporary accounts, St. Teresa had a revelation from God of a crystal globe in the shape of a castle containing seven mansions. Introduction to Interior Castle. abandoned. and also most rewarding. Quotes: “As far as I can understand, the gate by which we are to enter this castle is prayer and consideration. outward comportment may be better than theirs, but this, though good, is For those who would like to pursue further, here is a short list of the defects. Way of Perfection, 26: Life, 12
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