Hybrids were seen as an aberration, worse than the inferior races, a weak and diseased mutation. Weilerswist: Vellbrück. [18] In Postcolonial Studies: a materialist critique, she further rails against the "linguistic turn" and recommends a materialist postcolonial critique that addresses colonialism's epistemic violence within the wider context of the economic exploitation of the colonized masses by imperial capitalism. They also drew abundantly from the "barbarians". "[20] Another promoter of hybridity as globalization is Jan Nederveen Pieterse, who asserts hybridity as the rhizome of culture. The most commonly seen forms which appear to be due to hybridity are in the case of certain Japanese walnut seedlings in the East. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. Hutnyk, John. The code for attribution links is required. This turn in the effect of hybridity makes the presence of colonist authority no longer immediately visible. Find more ways to say interaction, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. stream It was common among the Greeks and Romans. Similarly, hundreds of Indian words entered the English idiom from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century. Hybridity is not a new cultural or historical phenomenon. [26] Further down, yet, he cautions against drawing clear-cut boundaries between these two forms of hybridity, arguing that the "centripetal" forces inherent in "organic hybridity" are also present in "intentional hybridity," in the same way as the "centrifugal" features of "intentional hybridity" may be at play in "organic hybridity. Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020, Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Twenty-Fourth Annual Meeting, On the Phenomena of Hybridity in the Genus Homo. The principal theorists of hybridity are Homi Bhabha, Néstor García Canclini, Stuart Hall, Gayatri Spivak, and Paul Gilroy, whose works respond to the multi-cultural awareness that emerged in the early 1990s.[12]. Several theoretical models have been developed to explain approaches to hybridity in the arts, a phenomenon that is especially common among artists who either identify as multicultural or see their work as situated between “East” and “West.”[33] Such developments demonstrate ways that the arts can both forecast and respond to changing conditions in society. Hybridity as a concern for racial purity responds clearly to the zeitgeist of colonialism where, despite the backdrop of the humanitarian age of enlightenment, social hierarchy was beyond contention as was the position of Europeans at its summit. The concept of hybridity was fraught with negative connotations from its incipience. You could say that, unlike these other figures, Michael Jackson had his hybridity thrust upon him. Many people attend performances intending to place a digital recording device between them and the performers, intentionally "layering a digital reality on top of the real world. x��=�v�Hr�>���Grca�W {|tb�3�7�Kbo6�84II�P�!k5��tU� Zr���m �����ޅ�Ogϟ������Yyx8{��h���Oʢ���b�r�U>�%+>��y��铟~a3��F�>? Durch die räumliche und kulturelle Trennung von Herrschaftskontrolle (in Großbritannien) und Herrschaftsausübung (in Indien) komme es zu einer "Verschiebung", zu einer unreflektierten Differenz mit negativen Auswirkungen auf beide politische Räume: „Das politische Moment der kulturellen Differenz kommt innerhalb der Problematik der kolonialen Regierungskonzeption (governmentality) zum Vorschein und überschattet die Transparenz zwischen Lesbarkeit und legitimer Herrschaft.“. The Greeks soaked up many mathematical and astronomical concepts from the Egyptians. These include drinking non-alcoholic beer, using Koranic apps on their iPhones, and buying halal cosmetics. According to The Oxford English Dictionary, 900 English words are of Indian origin. Hybridity synonyms. [9] Contempt for biological hybridity did not end with the fall of the Roman Empire, but continued throughout the Middle Ages and well into modern times, reaching a peak in the nineteenth century with the rise of Europe into an unrivalled imperial power. Can you spell these 10 commonly misspelled words? The term hybridity itself is not a modern coinage. Accessed 26 Oct. 2020. Since the classical conquests, both the colonizers and colonized tapped into each other's languages. Hybridity opens up a space, figuratively speaking, where the construction of a political object that is new, neither the colonizer nor the Other, properly defies our political expectations. <> Insbesondere die zunehmenden Kontaktprozesse durch den Kolonialismus sowie die Erkenntnis, dass unsere Welt zunehmend unübersichtlicher und ambivalenter zu werden scheint, hat in den Sozialwissenschaften eine Auseinandersetzung mit hybriden Phänomenen aufkommen lassen. attached to racial theory, post-colonialism, cultural studies, or globalization. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Hybridität&oldid=202270319, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, mit dem Phänomen der hybriden Identität bei Menschen mit muslimischem Migrationshintergrund an der, mit kultureller Hybridisierungen im Mittelalterlichen Europa an der. Synonyme für "überwinden" 462 gefundene Synonyme 31 verschiedene Bedeutungen für überwinden Ähnliches & anderes Wort für überwinden [30][31][32] Top synonyms for hybridity (other words for hybridity) are hybridized, hybrid and half breed. Gregor J. Betz: Vergnügter Protest. B. können nur einzelne Wortteile (Endungen), oder Einzelworte aus einer Sprache in die andere "eingebaut" werden oder satzweise die Sprache gewechselt werden. Hybridity, in its most basic sense, refers to mixture. 3 0 obj How to use hybrid in a sentence. What Is The Difference Between “It’s” And “Its”? The new theory of hybridity that Acheraiou develops in this book departs from the strictly "cultural and spatial paradigm" of postcolonial theory, or what he calls "angelic hybridism. 2 0 obj We call this hybrid identity. That critique of cultural imperialist hybridity meant that the rhetoric of hybridity progressed to challenging essentialism, and is applied to sociological theories of identity, multiculturalism, and racism. Bhabha includes interpretations of hybridity in postcolonial discourse. Moreover, polyphony is another important element of hybridity theory, by Mikhail Bakhtin, which is applied to hybrid discourses presented in folklore and anthropology. ): Soziale Hybridität – hybride Sozialität. Have the Words of the Day from October 19–25, 2020, made an indelible mark on your memory? See the full definition for hybrid in the English Language Learners Dictionary, Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for hybrid, Nglish: Translation of hybrid for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of hybrid for Arabic Speakers, Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about hybrid. Furthermore, he stresses that this "resistive planetary hybridity" is not "confined to the migrant, diasporic condition," and has "as many centres of consciousness as geographical points of origin". [30] For example, in Rooms by Sara Ludy computer-generated effects process physical spaces into abstractions, making familiar environments and items such as carpets, doors and windows disorientating, set to the sound of an industrial hum. "[5] It is a broadly historical and multi-layered form of hybridity focused on the nebulous political, economic, and ideological power structures, emancipatory as well as oppressive, which have presided over the discourse and practice of hybridity since the dawn of civilization. Both ancient and modern civilizations have, through trade and conquests, borrowed foreign ideas, philosophies, and sciences, thus producing hybrid cultures and societies. The colonial subject is located in a place of hybridity, its identity formed in a space of iteration and translation by the colonizer. One is that he sees hybridity as a strategic reversal of the process domination through disavowal. 'Barriers to hybridization of, pp.106-136. Der Dritte Raum des Staatsrechts wären (in dieser Tradition) die allgemeinen Menschenrechte, die einerseits auf den Staat als (polizeilichen) Garanten der Menschenrechte und anderseits auf die Menschen, die ihre Rechte geltend machen und durchsetzen müssen, angewiesen sind. [8] In modern times, the French and British resorted to similar linguistic appropriations throughout their conquests. He writes: "Between postcoloniality as it exists in a former colony like India, and postcoloniality as the condition of discourse by such critics as Bhabha, there would appear to be a considerable gap". Linguistic hybridity was manifest in these colonial contexts, but was acknowledged by neither the colonizers nor the colonized. 2015. Erkundungen hybridisierter Formen kollektiven Ungehorsams. Absentee Ballot vs. Mail-In Ballot: Is There A Difference? Which of the following is a fruit named after a Moroccan seaport. %���� Send us feedback. The Greeks and Romans borrowed extensively from other civilizations, the Egyptians and Persians in particular, and creating ipso facto hybridized cultures, but regarded unfavourably biological hybridity. endobj endobj Aristotle, Plato and Pericles were all opposed to racial mixing between Greeks and "barbarians" and viewed biological hybridity as a source of racial degeneration and social disorder. [6], Aktuelle oder vor kurzem abgeschlossene Forschungsprojekte befassen sich. In this way, hybridity can unsettle the narcissist demands of colonial power, but reforms its identifications in strategies of subversion that turn the gaze of the discriminated back upon the colonist. Zu den Wegbereitern der Diskussion um Hybridität gehörte auch die politisch-literarische Bewegung, die sich im Zuge der Auseinandersetzung mit den Folgen der Verschleppung und Versklavung der afrikanischen Diaspora in der Karibik bildete (Aimé Césaire, Édouard Glissant, Patrick Chamoiseau, Jean Bernabé).

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