Henham remains a rural community although now perhaps better described as a 'community in a rural setting.' The solution to John Rous's money problems came from two financially advantageous marriages (his first wife died in childbirth), and the sale of land released from a trust by his mother in exchange for an enhanced pension. Henham is a parish of about 1,500 people settled long before the Domesday Book of 1085. This area is also used for barbeques and pig roasts.The hall is licensed for 150 guests and has seating and tables for 120. Strangely, given the experience of 1773, the fire insurance was still barely above the cover obtained on the new house in 1797 – only £13,000. If you have any queries about this work, please contact Essex County Council directly. This guidance includes⢠Donating and downloading a poppy to place on display in support of the Armed Forces community.⢠Buy a poppy online⢠Join the Virtual Poppy Run⢠Remember the fallen by standing in silence on your doorstep at 11 am. The Parish Council has been in touch with Ray Gooding our Essex County Councillor following the news that North Hall Road will be closed until the end of March 2021. She was buried at Henham September 22, 1579. Village NewsThe Parish Council continues to thank all residents for supporting our community during the pandemicLATEST COVID-19 UPDATES:16/10/2020 ECC press release re Tier 2 status: click here13/10/2020 ECC press release re application for TIER 2 status: click hereCouncil Tax Relief Information: click here10/10/2020 Important Notice - Remembrance Sunday November 8th 2020: As residents are aware, subject to very few exemptions, the law prohibits gatherings of groups of 6 or more. The mingling of groups is prohibited. If you have any enquiries please contact the Highways England Customer Contact Centre on 0300 123 5000, or by e-mail to, 45 houses land south of Vernons Close, Mill Road, 1 Wood End Green Cottages, Wood End Green, https://www.gov.uk/guidance/nhs-test-and-trace-how-it-works, https://www.uttlesford.gov.uk/article/6464/Anti-social-behaviour-reporting-form, https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/public-health-england. In a letter to another noble client, Lord Crewe, Barry reported that there had been a fire at Henham which came close to total destruction and a potential loss of £30 to 40,000. However on the positive side we retain our own church, primary school, village shop with a post office, public house, village hall, church hall and community centre. There were once two major country houses in the Blyth Valley – Heveningham Hall and Henham Hall. The history of Henham now has its own website at www.henhamhistory.org. Please be aware, there are also works taking place on behalf of Essex County Council on the M11 at junction 7a, this work will continue once our works are completed on Friday 18 December. However on the positive side we retain our own church, primary school, village shop with a post office, public house, village hall, church hall and community centre. The Hall is licensed and a full bar service is available by arrangement at very competitive rates A decoration service is available which can include ceiling drapes, balloons, posters, streamers and flowers including table decorations and pedestals. a trading name of MHCreations The work will be carried out under lane closures which will be in place 24 hours a day, alongside our weekend closures detailed below. Visit the Essex Police website for their top five safety tips for a number of main crimes that are committed around this time of year: www.essex.police.uk/letstalk/, For more information on Winter security click here, For more information on home security click here, For more information on vehicle security click here. It had cost over £20,000 (Wyatt’s estimate had been £12,000), a sum which could not be covered by estate income alone, confirming the paradox that country houses appropriate for a landed estate and a family's standing could rarely be built without the help of non–landed money. Please do not light bonfires during this lockdown period.Nick Baker, Chair of HPC For help and assistance during the pandemic please click here:www.uttlesfordfrontline.org.uk UDC message regarding how to report low-level Anti-Social Behaviour:Please use the Report Form to report Issues such as noise, littering, gathering of groups causing a nuisance, are an example of what can be reported here, and which are on-going, affecting the quality of life for UDC residents.This report goes directly into the inbox of the Community Safety Team, and will be investigated and discussed via the Uttlesford Community Hub in partnership with the relevant agencies.We would still urge members of the public to use the 999 system for emergencies, and 101 for reporting of issues that are currently happening.For the REPORT FORM- click on this link: https://www.uttlesford.gov.uk/article/6464/Anti-social-behaviour-reporting-formCoronavirus - please see Government Guidelines:Handwashing Techniques: Click hereHome Isolation Advice: Click herePlease also refer to the following link for further information:https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/public-health-englandDue to COVID-19 all HPC meetings are postponed until further notice.
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