This expectation is borne out; the sentences in (65) are either downright ungrammatical or do not allow the relevant idiomatic interpretation. Since control verbs require their own subject, but do not license any of the special subjects discussed earlier, these special subjects should be ruled out as the subjects of control verbs. Though these verb types may perhaps have the same syntactic properties, a raising verb takes one complement or subject which is not semantically an argument of this verb. There is a second major difference between raising verbs and control verbs. 2 To distinguish between Raising and Control predicates a number of tests have been developed. The distinction between raising and control verbs. difference between Raising and Control must remain. To our knowledge, all theories agree that raising and control verbs differ at least semantically. subjects of sentential idioms (known as subject idiom chunks), and Not only do these tests help us decide whether a non-finite clause is a Raising or a Control construction, but they also contribute to a deeper understanding of the differences between these constructions.
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