Bring your club to Amazon Book Clubs, start a new book club and invite your friends to join, or find a club that’s right for you for free. With Stephen Skowronek & John Dearborn. '"Without Regard to Race": Critical Ideational Development in Modern American Racial Politics.' “The Civil Rights State: How the American State Develops Itself.” Desmond King & Robert C. Lieberman. He is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society (FRHistS). Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, Actively Seeking Work? Comparative Government Public PolicyRacial inequality in the USAmerican political development and state buildingIlliberal social policyComparative welfare policy. Comparative welfare and labour market policy: “Cheap Labor: The New Politics of ‘Bread and Roses’ in Industrial Democracies,” (with David Rueda) Perspectives on Politics, 6 (2008): 279-297. Desmond King & Patrick Le Gales. NY: OUP, 2007. (2018) 41 No 4: 739-58. “’Without Regard to Race’: Critical Ideational Development in Modern American Racial Politics.” Desmond King and Rogers M Smith. Studies in American Political Development. With Randall Hansen. “’Without Regard to Race’: Critical Ideational Development in Modern American Racial Politics.” Desmond King and Rogers M Smith. (2018) 41 No 4: 739-58. In Kimberly Morgan & Ann Orloff eds. “America’s civil rights state: Amelioration, Stagnation or Failure?” in Developments in American Politics 7. [See Washington Post Monkey Cage op-ed, “Worried about the decline in democracy?” 11 April 2017.]. [Reprint: (a) Rethinking Reconciliation and Transitional Justice after Conflict editors J Hughes & Denisa Kostovicova, London: Routledge, 2019. Email: [email protected], Andrew W. Mellon Professor of American Government, The Philip & Rosamund Davies US Elections Campaigns Archive, Harold Vyvyan Harmsworth Visiting Professor of American History, Sir John Elliott Lecture in Atlantic History, Esmond Harmsworth Lecture in American Arts and Letters, John G. Winant Visiting Professor of American Government, John J. Louis Jr. Lecture in Anglo-American Relations, The Philip & Rosamund Davies US Elections Campaigns archive, In Joel Isaac and Gary Gerstle eds. About the College Lord Nuffield Art & Architecture This website uses cookies for Google Analytics tracking - please see our Privacy Policy, About | Accessibility | Contribute | Copyright | Contact us | Privacy, 'Oxford Podcasts' Twitter account @oxfordpodcasts, MediaPub Publishing Portal for Oxford Podcast Contributors. “Making People Work: Democratic Consequences of Workfare,” in Lawrence M Mead ed Welfare Reform and Political Theory,(New York: Sterilized by the State: Eugenics, Race and the Population Scare in Twentieth Century North America. Studies in American Political Development. American political development and state building: “Ironies of the American State” (with Robert C Lieberman) World Politics 61 (July 2009) 547-588. Research Visitor (by invitation), Max Planck-Sciences Po Centre, Sciences Po, Paris, September 2014. “’The Latter Day General Grant’: Forceful Federal Power and Civil Rights.” With Robert C Lieberman. “Building a Conservative State: Partisan Polarization and the Redeployment of Administrative Power.” With N Jacobs and Sidney Milkis. And (b) included by Ethnic and Racial Studies in the Taylor & Francis/Routledge initiative to share scholarship in support of the fight against racism and inequality at ]. Academician/Fellow, Academy of Social Sciences (FAcSS), invited 2013. Fiona Ross. (with Rogers M Smith), 'Barack Obama and the Future of American Racial Politics,' (with Rogers M Smith), 'De-Centering the South: America's Nationwide White Supremacist Order after Reconstruction,' (with Stephen Tuck), 'The Racial Bureaucracy: African Americans and the Federal Government In the Era of Segregated Race Relations. Desmond King & Patrick Le Gales. With Stewart Wood. But by the 1920s, U.S. immigration policy had become a finely filtered regime of selection. Paperback 11/2017. Politics and Society. Coedited with Lawrence R Jacobs. Andrew Mellon Professor of American Government, Professorial Fellow Nuffield College, Director of Graduate Studies (Politics), Emeritus Fellow St John’s College, Department of Politics and International Relations, How political elites frame the politics of migration, America's Material Racial Inequality: Legacies and Policy Coalitions. Ethnic and Racial Studies. (2019) June 17: 453-466. With Rogers M. Smith. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2011; pb 2013. Stanford University. Vol 76 (2014): 958-971. “’The Latter Day General Grant’: Forceful Federal Power and Civil Rights.” With Robert C Lieberman. British Journal of Sociology. “The Civil Rights State: How the American State Develops Itself.” Desmond King & Robert C. Lieberman.
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