: The proportion of tenderizers to tougheners is a relatively simple way to classify flour types. While some experts classify "replicas" and "inspired-by" designs as "fakes," they are not true fakes if they state clearly that they are not the real deal. Any attempt to classify examples by their colours fails, for, while at some periods the particular tints employed in certain chanceries may have been selected with a view to marking the character of the documents so sealed, such practice was not consistently followed. Gram stain-A staining procedure used to visualize and classify bacteria. It has been found unworkable, for instance, to classify the religions of really primitive peoples under a plurality of heads, as becomes necessary the moment that the presence of a distinctive basis of linked ideas testifies to the individuality of this or that type of higher creed. eturpov, a star, and vEu€ v, to classify or arrange). : Because it may act as a mild stimulant to the central nervous system, some may classify caffeine as addictive. Some major retail stores classify Snoopy slipper socks as seasonal apparel, however you can purchase the popular footwear year-round online. The almost total absence from Homer not only of "Dorians " but of " Ionians " and even of " Hellenes "leads to the conclusion that the diagrammatic genealogy of the " sons of Hellen " is of post-Homeric date; and that it originated as an attempt to classify the Doric, Ionic and Aeolic groups of Hellenic settlements on the west coast of Asia Minor, for here alone do the three names correspond to territorial, linguistic and political divisions. Various attempts have been made to classify hypotheses and to distinguish "hypothesis" from a "theory" or a mere "conjecture": none of these have any great practical importance, the differences being only in degree, not in kind. 2. In attempting to classify acetylene generators some authorities have divided them into as many as six different classes, but this is hardly necessary, as they may be divided into two main classes - first, those in which water is brought in contact with the carbide, the carbide being in excess during the first portion of the operation; and, second, those in which the carbide is thrown into water, the amount of water present being always in excess. This causes some botanists to classify the coconut as a dry drupe. Archaeology itself remained but a minor branch of art until the machinery was perfected which enabled it to classify and interpret the remains of the "pre-historic" age. 4. Here Schiller applied his aesthetic theories to that branch of art which was most peculiarly his own, the art of poetry; it is an attempt to classify literature in accordance with an a priori philosophic theory of "ancient" and "modern," "classic" and "romantic," "naive" and "sentimental"; and it sprang from the need Schiller himself felt of justifying his own "sentimental" and "modern" genius with the "naive" and "classic" tranquillity of Goethe's. At a general assembly Modern of local prefects held at Tokyo in June 1875 it was s,,,,~- decided to classify the different roads throughout the intendence empire, and to determine the several sources from of Roads. Tree diagrams are used to sort items and classify them. Young students often start learning about the different types of sentences in the first or second grade. There are many ways you can classify types of fitness training, but for most practical purposes, it's usually easiest to focus on the desired end result. There are several resources that can help students locate and classify distance learning university degree programs. , Science students will classify rocks by sorting them by shape and by size. Because many insurance companies classify blue light laser treatments as emerging technologies, the procedure may not be covered. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. 28. Q11 How do I classify a preparation in an aerosol dispenser for health effects? Because those stairs are so steep, your grandmother will have to go up in the elevator, but the children would rather run up the stairs.? David Bowie has been around so long, you have to classify his music by decade. For peace of gets the best farmer child-care provide not appropriately classify. Some experts exclude from this definition cases of temporary survival that end in death within 24 hours, which they prefer to classify as drownings. Although there are only two species, we can classify the Ivies in several groups, after the variation in the leaves. However, talk to an attorney to see if there is a chance to separately classify your business debts by filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy and whether or not a repayment plan can be structured in your situation. cults of tree and vegetation spirits; (viii.) cults of secret societies, and individual cults of tutelary animals; (vii.) 1. Example sentences with the word classify. (B) Treating cults according to their meaning, which is not necessarily identical with the cause which first led to the deification of the animal in question, we can classify them under ten specific heads: (i.) To make a value judgment by calling something good or bad is to, 26. So confused and inconsistent are the mythical answers that it is very difficult to classify them according to any system. The conviction was borne in upon him that scientific explanation could never do more than systematize and classify the mass of appearances which to our habit-blinded eyes seem to be the reality. It is somewhat artificial to classify these diseases according to the color of the spots, and often impossible, because the color may differ according to the age of the part attacked and the stage of injury attained; many Fungi, for instance, induce yellow spots which become red, brown or black as they get older, and so on. Some video games can be clearly defined as racing games or action games, but it is not quite as easily to classify Spore. Yes, subject to confirmation by your auditors, you have the option to classify your lease as ' off balance sheet ' . Part heavy metal, part acoustic and full of dark and sometimes eerie harmonies, the band straddled a unique line that made them difficult to classify. This has led certain geologists to classify the Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian into one grand system; E. However this may be, the ogam alphabet shows some knowledge of phonetics and some attempt to classify the sounds accordingly. Various attempts have been made to classify corals according to the arrangement of the septa, the characters of the theca, the microscopic structure of the corallurn, and the anatomy of the soft parts. No attempt is made to classify them, but I simply give a list of the proved kinds. Space forbids a discussion of the proposals to classify corals after the minute structure of their coralla, but it will suffice to say that it has been shown that the septa of all corals are built up of a number of curved bars called trabeculae, each of which is composed of a number of nodes. monoclonal anti-D reagents it is safer to classify the patient as D negative. Historians, too, must determine how to, 17. Thus EtOos 130UKOXuaiv, E7ru 6v, XvpcKov might be used to classify various kinds of poetry, and these poems might be called ELSUXAca, since they include so many types. The natives are officially described as Bosniaks, but classify themselves according to religion. It is possible to classify sacrifices according to (a) the occasion of the rite, (b) the end to be achieved, (c) the material object to be affected or (d) the form of the rite. cults, probably derivative, of animals associated with certain deities; (x.) , Because he scored very high on his IQ test, the school decided to classify the student as “gifted”. classify in security in the area of grid computing can be broadly classified into System level, architectural, and interoperability issues. Definition of Classify. 12), writing about this time, describes Kittim (a name derived from Citium, q.v.) But this is as artificial as Otto's attempt to classify the contents of the epistle under the three notes of the Iry 13 a in i. Classify definition is - to arrange in classes. We have also shown that the eigenvalue classification scheme of [1] cannot be used to directly classify the codimension-two bifurcations. Although not the only source of mystical power, anomalous phenomena are often given special treatment if they are difficult to, 24. However, it should be noted that the APA does classify adjustment disorder as a mental illness. sentence. But its main point is the essential co-ordination of ego and environment, as central part and counterpart, in experience. We shall classify these subjects under three topics. Are you satisfied with your initial attempt to, 15. Identification of a fracture line can further classify fractures. Gaelic uncial I find it useful to classify uncial fonts on a three-point scale of ornateness. The main types of drugs of abuse We can also classify drugs of abuse by their effects. Furthermore, it seems absurd to classify both the Dolcinists and the Spiritual Franciscans as Fraticelli, since, as has been pointed out by Ehrle (Arch. There are many ways to classify industries. Use two or three different types of beans so children can classify and compare. For example, a family history layout that pairs photos of your mother, you, and your daughter playing with the same special teddy bear would be very difficult to classify under a chronological or subject oriented system. (This sentence containscompounda subject.) Then decide if the sentence is simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex.? It is the task of the morphology of speech to distinguish the various ways in which languages differ from each other as regards their inner form, and to classify and arrange them accordingly. It is essential to classify the subject-matter of geography in such a manner as to give prominence not only to facts, but to their mutual relations and their natural and inevitable order. The phase rule combined with the latent heat equation enables us to trace the general phenomena of equilibrium in solutions, and to elucidate and classify cases even of great complexity. Examples of Classify in a sentence. Similarly, Fisher and Langley use anatomical data to, 20. Stoicism is a much more important system, but harder to classify. They are difficult to classify, for they are the result of somewhat recent minglings of races and customs, and they are all more or less in process of being assimilated by the Russians, but the following subdivisions may be accepted provisionally. The prospects of the expansion of international arbitration will be more clearly perceived if we classify afresh all state differences under two heads: - (r) those which have a legal character, (2) those which have a political character. Pendleton) to classify the subordinate places in the service, and to make entrance to it, and promotion therein, depend upon competitive examination of applicants, instead of mere political influence. cults of animals used in magic. It has been well said that the attempt to classify plants according to their natural affinities is an attempt to construct for them the genealogical tree by which their relation ships can be traced.
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