Pour the spice and water combination into the ground meat and mix thoroughly for at least 2 minutes. German Sausage with Apples Sauerkraut and Onion 1 teaspoon dried marjoram It is therefore a cooked sausage, not a fresh one. Hugh Acheson’s Liverwurst Recipe. Unlike most of the sausages you will make, this one is cooked on the stove in a water bath until it reaches 152 degrees F on the inside. Liverwurst is one of those sausages that, especially when it's made with quality ingredients, can be very good indeed. I think you'll be very impressed. If you can't find the pork liver that the recipe calls for, I have also had good luck using beef or calf liver. No… this isn’t your typical liverwurst sandwich but come on — have you seen a better-looking slider? Homemade German Liverwurst. 3 lbs 80-85% lean pork shoulder German Sausage Soup, Leberknödelsuppe - German Liver Dumpling Soup, German Sausage with Apples Sauerkraut and Onion, Prinzregententorte – Bavarian Layered Chocolate Cake. 1 medium onion, grated Combine the spices in a 1 quart container and mix with the 1 cup of ice water. Pour the spice and water combination into the ground meat and mix thoroughly for at least 2 minutes. 1. sausage casings (natural pork or collagen). 2 lbs fresh (or fresh frozen) pork liver If you've only ever had the kind you buy at the supermarket, give this recipe a try. Bratwurst https://www.food.com/recipe/german-homemade-leberwurst-liverwurst-85437 //
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