He went on to run Citi’s global corporate bank, commercial bank and wealth management unit. She eventually became CIO at O’Connor (which was subsequently acquired by UBS), and in 2017 became CIO at $26 billion Soros Fund Management, making her one of the most influential voices in hedge funds. Our offices are open for business, but we are still offering virtual consultations via phone or video for those who do not feel comfortable leaving home due to health concerns. As eurozone banks face rising pressures and shrinking lending margins, it is no small feat that Santander has kept a stable financial profile as one of the world’s largest and most diversified banks. She traveled the country to support progressive causes—rallying at Standing Rock against pipeline drilling and in Flint, Mich., for clean water initiatives—then volunteered as an organizer for Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign. PATH TO POWER: Macron became the youngest president in French history when he was elected in 2017 at age 39. Chatter on the Street, and within the bank itself, suggests that Lake is the front-runner. Friedman & Friedman PLLC, Attorneys at Law for a consultation with a Westchester County family lawyer regarding your Projecting Chinese power and influence abroad. He became mayor of Istanbul in 1994, was imprisoned for four months in 1998 for violating Turkish laws governing religious speech, and then reemerged as prime minister in 2003, an office that he held until 2014. PATH TO POWER: The son of a Roman banker and a pharmacist, Draghi earned a PhD in economics from MIT and worked in academia in Florence before becoming the Italian director at the World Bank and general director of the Italian Treasury. PATH TO POWER: A Washington, D.C., native, Powell attended Georgetown Prep and studied political science at Princeton before earning a JD at Georgetown, where he was editor in chief of the Georgetown Law Journal. PATH TO POWER: Dimon began his career as an assistant to Sandy Weill at American Express, where his father had also worked. In 1993 he returned to private finance, first at Bankers Trust and then at the Carlyle Group in 1997. In Sorkin’s fictionalized portrayal, Bobby Axelrod is the Gordon Gekko of the 21st century. While previously a backer primarily of Republicans, he gave heavily to Democrats in the midterm congressional elections, predicting in September that his contributions would hit $18 million to $20 million by Election Day. He was elected mayor of Mexico City in 2000 and has built a national profile as an anti-corruption crusader. He’s also looking to bring back SALT, his much-missed Vegas hedge fund conference. PATH TO POWER: Born into a wealthy family—his father was a partner at Goldman Sachs, then an art dealer—Mnuchin attended Yale, class of ’85, where he roomed with future hedge funder Eddie Lampert and was a member of the secret society Skull and Bones. Miller also advocated for the crackdown on sanctuary cities, pushed for the construction of Trump’s wall with Mexico, promoted the separation of immigrant children from their parents and reduced the number of legal immigrants to the U.S. to record lows. For Mallouk, it’s not so much a declaration of arrival—he’s well past that—but a foundation for new growth. With a reported net worth of over $15 billion, Johnson is also one of the world’s richest people. It’s still not in great shape, but he and prime minister Shinzo Abe have been making progress against deflation, with Kuroda presiding over a long-running buying spree of bonds and stocks—2 percent of the Japanese market—by the Bank of Japan. PATH TO POWER: Born in New York to an Egyptian father and French mother, El-Erian grew up in Egypt, New York, France and England. Erdoes joined JP Morgan Asset Management in 1996 and became CEO of JP Morgan Private Bank in 2005. To do so, he’s giving leaders of individual units greater leeway to make decisions and is on the hunt for acquisitions as a pathway toward growth and greater profitability. Kudlow’s willingness to make the president’s preferred arguments—even when they fly in the face of the traditional, Republican-embraced, free-market economics Kudlow had touted for decades—is key to his success. California is the world’s fifth-largest economy, behind the U.S., China, Japan and Germany. He’s also become a successful investor, with stakes in, among other things, Major League Soccer, e-sports and the media. POWER PLAY: Bloomberg’s mayorship, and his politics since leaving office, can be defined as fiscally conservative and socially liberal, particularly on issues such as the environment and gun control. POWER PLAY: In 2017, Mallouk partnered with life coach and, increasingly, financial scribe Tony Robbins on the book Unshakeable: Your Financial Freedom Playbook, which elevated his profile while creating a referral stream. She has an estimated net worth of well over $20 billion. Either way, he plots his own course. POWER PLAY: Raab has perhaps the most thankless job in the United Kingdom. POWER PLAY: Vista’s ongoing success has made Smith a very wealthy man. Days later, Bannon resigned his position at Breitbart; he has not managed to return from the wilderness to reclaim the same level of influence since. He vowed to fight Chinese protectionism, and by applying about $500 billion worth of tariffs to various Chinese goods, he has. Hermitage’s shareholder activism eventually ran afoul of Vladimir Putin, and Browder fled to London. PATH TO POWER: Singer, who grew up in Teaneck, N.J., received a JD from Harvard Law School in 1969 but never practiced law. And midyear data from S&P showed that companies may finally be getting on board: Just 98 companies issued quarterly guidance in the third quarter of 2018, compared to an average of 107 over the past five years. He’s certainly done the former, and no one could deny that he is passionately trying to execute on the latter. After assisting in the firm’s IPO, she rejoined NASDAQ in 2014, becoming president and COO. including the 2016 Millennium Award from Long Island Business News that Brainard taught economics at the MIT Sloan School of Management and worked as an economic advisor in both the Clinton and Obama administrations. PATH TO POWER: Patterson studied journalism at the University of Florida and began her career as a reporter for the Associated Press. But he has been particularly vocal in condemning the president’s trade war with China as a potential threat to U.S. businesses and the economy. Chris Ruddy, the CEO of Newsmax and a friend to President Trump, has called Mercer the “First Lady of the alt-right.” She introduced Trump to strategist Kellyanne Conway and firebrand conservative political operative and then Breitbart News chairman Steve Bannon, both of whom went on to jobs in the White House. Globally, Goldman is in a push to achieve gender parity within its ranks by 2021, putting recruitment pressure squarely on Brown. Also in September, Ermotti announced UBS has chosen Frankfurt as its post-Brexit EU headquarters, assuming the UK will fall out of the EU without any concrete financial arrangements. He released Principles, a book detailing his mantras of life and work, in 2017, and this year published A Template for Understanding Big Debt Crises, an attempt to fend off destabilizing financial crises. In 2005, after creating a number of other internet companies, Andreessen began investing alongside business partner Ben Horowitz in a series of 45 startups, including Twitter. In the years since, he has grown it to $210 billion in AUM.
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